oliver TWIST

The living condtions for Oliver Twist are bad no nice clothes or good food. No, I would not like to live in those times for the were hard and a lot of work. My life compared to Olivers is almost the same.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Later today Judith gave her most empowering speech ever “Our grandfathers fought for independence in the Revolution! We stand in the spirit of their sacrifice! Never will the daughters of free men be factory slaves! Give us the wages we are due or we will not work at all!” That speech had stunned me for the soul reason that a women has never spoke before a crowd . At supper most of the girls had packed and left. The mills owners did not give in, maybe for the reason they could fire us all and replace us just as fast. On Sunday my mom told me replacements were coming for the girls who had been let go. Judith was upstairs packing her bags and getting ready to leave it made me sad and mad at the same time. For she was deserting the battle she had made. Judith told me the battle was not defeated and asked me to take her position to fight for what’s right then she gave me a hug and she was gone. I hope one day I’ll be like Judith and raise the wages for all mill girls.

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