oliver TWIST

The living condtions for Oliver Twist are bad no nice clothes or good food. No, I would not like to live in those times for the were hard and a lot of work. My life compared to Olivers is almost the same.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

history of the tank

The first tank was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was a UFO shaped wooden structure with wheels and cannons 360 around. After that the first tank for war was made the Mk 1 or little Willie made in 1915. Many of them broke down but 1/3 or so made it down to enemy lines. Then the Mk IV came into service 1917. It was better armored and was safer. Then came the Renault FT-17; it was a small tank, 7 ft tall 16 ft length first tank to have it barrel in a fully rotating turret. The Germans made the A7V this tank was better than the British tank Mk IV with thicker armor and a faster speed the tank was over all better. The next tank is the PanzerKampfWagen, for short Panzer was activated in 1939 World War 2 and was a beast of a tank. The next tank is the T-34 the soviet Russian tank not very good but could kill you with it machine gun. now how about we go to the good old US of A they made the Churchill in the book this tank was named after Winston Churchill, a prime minister of great Britain. The next tank is the Comet, this had a Rolls Royce engine and was the primary tank in World War 2. The newest tank is the T-95 a Russian made tank that the Americans are using in Iran and Iraq. There is not much information released about the tank but I'm willing to guess is very nice picture of tank in order. In the future the tanks will run on nuclear and solar power and be able to shoot a penny through a 30 inch piece of steel. Otherwise there will be a nuclear bomb tip deadly enough to destroy a tank and only a tank. Also this tank with be equipped with a machine gun that can shoot a 20 inch hole in a man. This tank gun has a max speed of 200 mph. It will be 6 feet long and 7 feet tall with 10 inch thick steel armor and a 5 ft. long barrel. To conclude tanks are armoured vehicles, used in warfare that have changed a lot since Leonardo's first sketches.

Please study the photo collection below.

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