oliver TWIST

The living condtions for Oliver Twist are bad no nice clothes or good food. No, I would not like to live in those times for the were hard and a lot of work. My life compared to Olivers is almost the same.

Monday, May 31, 2010

diffrent ages

In the time of the agriculture age they used a cannon man that was he wore a silver helmet and carried a big rifle that shot a big steel ball and wore a steel chest plate this man and type of soldier was the agricultural type tank.

The Industrial age
It function was to kill the enemies clearing the way for men who didn’t have amour and it was the Mk IV who made it a British inventor Victor Armstrong. When 1917 to end of world war one. It was a reflationary idea for the soul reason you now could kill men with out worrying about mines killing them. The working area for this was tight and most men who where driving got shot by snipers threw the seeing sight.

The Digital age to day
The tanks we have to day run on a camera run sight and have thicker armour and go faster then the industrial age every thing on the tank has changed. Sadly thought the tanks we have to day don’t effect on us positively the actually effect negatively killing and devastation. This invention only helps us on a warfare type business.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

history of the tank

The first tank was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was a UFO shaped wooden structure with wheels and cannons 360 around. After that the first tank for war was made the Mk 1 or little Willie made in 1915. Many of them broke down but 1/3 or so made it down to enemy lines. Then the Mk IV came into service 1917. It was better armored and was safer. Then came the Renault FT-17; it was a small tank, 7 ft tall 16 ft length first tank to have it barrel in a fully rotating turret. The Germans made the A7V this tank was better than the British tank Mk IV with thicker armor and a faster speed the tank was over all better. The next tank is the PanzerKampfWagen, for short Panzer was activated in 1939 World War 2 and was a beast of a tank. The next tank is the T-34 the soviet Russian tank not very good but could kill you with it machine gun. now how about we go to the good old US of A they made the Churchill in the book this tank was named after Winston Churchill, a prime minister of great Britain. The next tank is the Comet, this had a Rolls Royce engine and was the primary tank in World War 2. The newest tank is the T-95 a Russian made tank that the Americans are using in Iran and Iraq. There is not much information released about the tank but I'm willing to guess is very nice picture of tank in order. In the future the tanks will run on nuclear and solar power and be able to shoot a penny through a 30 inch piece of steel. Otherwise there will be a nuclear bomb tip deadly enough to destroy a tank and only a tank. Also this tank with be equipped with a machine gun that can shoot a 20 inch hole in a man. This tank gun has a max speed of 200 mph. It will be 6 feet long and 7 feet tall with 10 inch thick steel armor and a 5 ft. long barrel. To conclude tanks are armoured vehicles, used in warfare that have changed a lot since Leonardo's first sketches.

Please study the photo collection below.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Later today Judith gave her most empowering speech ever “Our grandfathers fought for independence in the Revolution! We stand in the spirit of their sacrifice! Never will the daughters of free men be factory slaves! Give us the wages we are due or we will not work at all!” That speech had stunned me for the soul reason that a women has never spoke before a crowd . At supper most of the girls had packed and left. The mills owners did not give in, maybe for the reason they could fire us all and replace us just as fast. On Sunday my mom told me replacements were coming for the girls who had been let go. Judith was upstairs packing her bags and getting ready to leave it made me sad and mad at the same time. For she was deserting the battle she had made. Judith told me the battle was not defeated and asked me to take her position to fight for what’s right then she gave me a hug and she was gone. I hope one day I’ll be like Judith and raise the wages for all mill girls.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

bobbin girl 3

Today a friend of Judith’s came in and said, “They are lowering the prices by 15 %,” this shocked me and made me quite worried. If are wages drop it will be harder to make ends meet, which is very bad for me and my family. Judith said, “We can stop them, we must stand together, and we will not be factory slave. Never to earn enough for a better life!” I felt very empowered from Judith’s speech. I think grownups in charge is a stupid idea, all they want is money and I wish I could see who was in charge, so I can give him a piece of my mind . Later that day, Judith handed out a petition and told the girls to sign it, then Hulda cried out “Don’t sign who of you can afford to loose there job,” the girls were confused do they sign or not. Some girls did sign the petition some didn’t, but I chose not to sign, for I did not want to lose my job. Later I looked out and saw Judith and other girls walking behind Judith. The girls were supporting her, so I rushed down the stairs and looked behind me where a line of girls from Spinning Room number 2 followed me. I had lead them all the way out

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bobbin Girl 2

The feeling around me was cheerful, a group of girls went off to a lecture spoke by Mr.Emerson and I was studying geography just like if I were a student at some fancy school. We all had to be home a ten o'clock, my mother was quite in a tizzy for thou Judith twas not home yet. Judith stayed late to talk to Mr.Emerson about self-reliance! That sounds like Judith, completely self-reliant.I vowed to myself I will be completely SELF-RELIANT !!!!!!!

The next day I was walking by the weaving room and 3 men including Mr.Capshaw were carrying out Ruth. She had turned to cough and a loom shot out and knocked her out. You think they would tell us, warn us or even stop the machines, but no they don't, which makes me feel so mad and unsafe at the same time. The end of the day my mother told me to walk to the doctor to give Ruth some soup, so I did. On the way there I was thinking what a nice day out it was. Once I got there, the doctor's wife said she wasn't able to eat it, I was going to say, well you are not going to, it is for Ruth. Anyway I looked at Ruth and she looked pale.Then she said "you don't even know" . She told me that Mr.Capshaw said to Ruth "you may not return to this or any other mill. She is called 'careless', every one was in shock for the accident was because of the machine.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The bobbin Girl

Hi I'm Rebbeca Putney and I am only ten years old. I live in Lowell, the City of Spindles. I work at a wool mill. I make a dollar a week for taking off full bobbins and replacing them with empty ones. One day I went up to the weaving room to see Judith and Ruth started coughing and coughing, the doctor said it was a new lung disease from the cotton lint floating in the air. Anyway about my Mother the greatest and strongest person I know and my dad, well he died I can't remember how he died, but he was a good man for all I know. Working as a Bobbin girl is hard, why, because I wake up at 4:30 a.m and everyone had to be there at 5:30 a.m. and the rules are really strict any girl who is late was dismissed. By midmoring I would sneak out to the courtyard and read a book that Judith gave me. The day finally ended after thirteen and a half hours, at 7:00 p.m. Ruth had another coughing fit.